Some people do it big. They dream dreams & find a way, despite everything else, to make them a reality. They change the course of history, the way the world is viewed. They pave new roads, fight for what they believe, and sacrifice to make things better. They give freedom to the oppressed, hope to the hopeless, or love to the unloved. They are the Martin Luther King Jrs. They are who we most often think of when we think of world changers. They're the real deal.
Some people don't do it so "big", but rather they change the world in small ways every single day. They show grace, kindness, and love. They are selfless and humble, joyful and helpful. They are the kind of people you want to be around because they make you feel good. Their smile changes your day, their laugh is infectious. They are genuine. They change the world & they don't even know it. They change the world by showing us what it really means to live & what it really means to love.
Connor's one of those people. He's a world changer & he changed mine the very first time I met him.
Connor's mother, Kacey, asked me almost a year ago if I would be interested in doing a video to share his story. Without the slightest hesitation I said yes. Stories like Connor's are the ones I want to help tell. Stories that show us the beauty in life, the beauty in one another, the beauty in Gods creation. Stories that change us, stories that change the world.
Before I met Connor, I knew a little about his story. I knew he loved horses and cheering on his favorite sporting teams. I knew he had a beautiful smile and always looked happy. I knew he loved to go to church and he loved to love on people. I knew he had a very rare genetic syndrome known as, Nicolaides-Baraitser Syndrome.
I didn't know how being around him would make me feel. I didn't know how much he would teach me about love. I didn't know how compelling his smile really was.
When I arrived at Connor's house I walked into the door and was immediately greeted with the warmest hug, a big 'ole grin, and a "Hi Megan!" Without hesitation, he pulled me into the living room to hang out, just like he had known me for years.
I was already his friend.
Connor made me feel loved, the genuine kind of love. He welcomed me, he hugged on me, he laughed with me. He made my job as a videographer a little difficult.... he didn't want me to video, he wanted me to hang out with him, to pet horses with him, to play drums with him. He pulled me everywhere he went. He wanted me to share my time with him, not behind the camera. He wanted to know me and for me to know him.
Connor doesn't see the world the way you and I see it. He doesn't see the heartache or the pain, the fear or the stress. He truly is always happy and it truly is beautiful.
His joy is contagious. His smile is heartwarming. His heart is pure.
God calls us to love Him and love one another above all else. Connor does that every single day and shows others how to do it better, how to love blindly.
[Video Below]