
A is for Annabelle.

T is for Two.

Jake McWhorter // Senior 2016

When I was in high school, Jake was a little boy playing around with his friends in the bull pen while his Dad coached the North Laurel Jaguar baseball team. Then bam, we turned around and he's a senior. 

A leader on both the football field & baseball diamond (& the #1 basketball fan), Jake is all blue at heart. And considering he's been raised on it, you could say he comes by it honest. 

His senior football season is off to an awesome start, with a 4-0 record! #gojags

 Be on the lookout for more of Jake on the blog when baseball season rolls around. Below are a few of my favorites from our fall session:

Carlee Reese Westerfield

My goodness, 

the past few weeks have been jam-packed-full of exciting things & the birth of Carlee Reese was no exception. 

Having the privilege of being present to witness any baby enter world is truly remarkable, but when it's your own family it makes it a little more special. 

Carlee Reese was born August 17, 2015 in Somerset, KY. She weighed 9 lbs 9 ounces and measured 21 inches long.

She spent a few extra days in the hospital, proving already she's one tough little gal. The day after she came home I went over to snap a few photos of her & couldn't resist filming some special little moments while I was there. 

She's pretty perfect & pretty adorable if you ask me. I can't wait to watch her grow alongside her sweet big brother, Mason.

Congratulations, Jamie, Allison, & Mason!

Check out her video birth announcement below: